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Mr. Lai's Fine Rice from TAIWAN

Yun-Lin, the barn of Taiwan, provides the major amount of agriculture products of the country.


For three generations, Mr. Lai’s paddy has been raising the entire family. Since the harvests are twice a year, we have always had extra yield sold to the rice mill.


A series of food safety scandles had made Taiwan food products questionable. For all the years, family farmers like us can only provide our blood, sweat and tears through the rice mill, which make us powerless over quality control. Most importantly, we cannot share the freshest and best quality rice, which has been on our table for generations, with the others.


My father hand picked rice #16 for our farm with his 30 years of experience. This breed of rice pormises high yield, fine quality and blight-resistance which grwos the best in Yun-Lin. And, the reduction of fertilizer and pesticide is a head start for organic ariculture in near future.






我們種植的稻米品種是台梗16號,是在家父於30年農耕經驗中,挑選出來最適合種植在雲林地區的品種。豐產、抗病蟲害、質優為水稻育種主要目標,台梗 16 號即為具有前項目標特性之水稻品種。減少施肥及農藥使用,符合未來有機農業的趨勢。


Josh Lai







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